The intake for this program is now closed.
Program guidelines will be updated for any future intakes. Please visit the Intake Information page for the upcoming Sustainable CAP intake schedule.
Supports activities to develop and implement community based food systems from planning through to development and implementation. Food systems planning includes a broad range of activities that may include revitalization of traditional food systems, agriculture, community gardens, and local food sovereignty initiatives, and processing and preservation.
The intake for this program is now closed. Please ensure that you are checking back for information regarding program updates and future intake dates. For the most up-to-date information on upcoming programming, subscribe to the Growing Manitoba Ag newsletter (click here) and follow us on X (formerly Twitter) (@MBGovAg).
The program is open to the following First Nation, Métis, and Inuit Indigenous Groups:
The following activities are eligible for funding:
Projects will have up to 22 months to be completed:
Eligible applicants can be reimbursed for up to 100 per cent of total approved eligible costs, to a maximum of $200,000 per project.
Viewing Documents: left click on the file name below and the document will open in your web browser.
Terms and Conditions Program Guide Sample Agreement