Government Health Care and MDA

MDA's Role
MDA distributes health care supplies and equipment to Manitobans who access government programs, such as Home Care, Employ and Income Assistance, and Children's Special Services.
Our goal is to reduce the time case workers spend obtaining quotes and purchasing items for their clients. We work with our clients to supply common, high use, and approved products on government contracts. MDA initiates and completes the three (3) quote process, so you don't have to. And, vendors also get a fair opportunity to bid on products for government programs.
Manitoba Home Care Equipment and Supplies Program
The Manitoba Home Care Program was established in 1974. Today, it serves an estimated 35,000 Manitobans and is recognized as one of the most comprehensive in the country. MDA's role in the program is to provide home care supplies and equipment to all Regional Health Authorities.
MDA also owns and tracks over 26,000 pieces of equipment for the Home Care Program. Our in-house medical technicians install the equipment and provide maintenance service for all areas across the province. This service saves the Regional Health Authorities millions of dollars in the acquisition cost of equipment.
The nature of the program allows for re-use of the equipment which, in turn, reduces program costs and is environmentally friendly. To request a one-time or monthly order, complete the following form:
Manitoba Health Information Resources
MDA warehouses, tracks and distributes health information resources on behalf of The Joint Management Committee on Information Resources. The committee is made up of Manitoba Health and the Regional Health Authorities of Manitoba (RHAM), along with representatives from Regional Health Authorities (RHAs) from across the province.
A current listing of these informative resources, including information about the committee are available at